Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The gift of the present moment

We live in an amazing time where technology has changed our world significantly. This also means that we have the ability to become overly accessible and distracted. The 24/7 mentality can become difficult to manage for many of us. It has the potential to take us away from being present with ourselves and those we love. Our relationships may suffer because we have lost sight of what's most important, connecting on a deeper level. Have you ever picked up your phone and began reading e-mail while in a conversation with someone? I think most of us have without thinking about the unintentional message we are sending.

Sometimes I get lost in the fast paced world and have to remind myself that being present is a continuous process. What I've learned is that when I become more conscious I am better able to sense when I'm falling short. My children have also guided me with unspoken words to see the beauty and life in everything. I continue to look to them for guidance when I find that I am losing my way. Their laughter, smiles, sincere expressions, and unconditional love are constant reminders that life is precious and only I can make the decision to savor every minute of it.

I wanted to share this photo of my daughter because it reflects a time when we were fully engaged and in the moment. It's the little reminders my children provide that allow me to be the mother I long to become and the inspiration for them as they grow into their own.

"The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans,
The present is our only reality."
Robert Pirsig

1 comment:

  1. Those moments in time, so precious, but often unrecognized are typified in your picture of Maddie. Congratulations to you for recognizing this opportunity.
