Let's face it Motherhood is a juggling act!
In comes summer break and the desire to pack it all in and make it the best time your family has experienced. The end result, some BUSY fun filled days! Mom's are constantly giving which is absolutely necessary but can be depleting if they aren't filling their "cups" first. In order to be at your absolute best, making yourself a priority is essential. When we are nurturing ourselves, we are more able to give, creating a balance that feels just right. I know when I take time to refuel I am more patient and understanding with my children and feel an overall sense of balance. Consider the tips below and know that there will be times when getting out of the house isn't realistic. Make it happen in your home, after all flexibility provides endless possibilities!
Four tips to make self-care a priority:
1. Put yourself on your priority list
2. Create a plan of what self-care looks like, i.e., description, times per wk/mo, actual rituals that are rejuvenating, etc.
3. Request the time "off" and get help from your spouse, babysitter, mother, etc.
4. Now actually do it!
5. Notice the impact. You will be amazed. I know I was!
Here's to YOU and filling your cup first!
"Self-care is about nurturing yourself on all levels- physically, mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually-so you can live, love and parent optimally."
Renee Trudeau
It sounds crazy- but I get up before my children (and they are EARLY risers...) so I can great the day my way, without the demands of my entire family. It makes a world of difference. When I take this practice out, my days start off completely differently-- most importantly how I greet my children when they rise with the excitement for a new day. Thanks for the reminder...
ReplyDeleteCongrats for saying YES to you and noticing the impact!