Our mind is a powerful tool and we are the masters behind our every thought. It sounds like a simplistic concept but we really do choose what we think about. We are the only ones that have the ability to change our thought process. In order to manifest what we want, a shift needs to occur that takes us away from being consumed with what we DON'T want. Have you ever been in a phase of life where your thoughts may not have been life affirming? You may have gotten into a funk and started seeing things in a negative capacity. Maybe negative thoughts have always consumed you. It can become a vicious cycle and one that can be difficult to move away from without the tools to get you there. The Law of Attraction is a fascinating concept and has been studied for years. A resource that I recommend to my clients is, Law of Attraction by Michael Losier. This book provides some methodology but has been the only one I have read thus far that includes the practicality realm of implementing the concept into your life.
Are you ready to manifest what you truly desire? Then take a few moment to read my suggestions below. There is no time like the present!
5 ways to manifest what you want:
1. Change your perspective
2. Create a vision in your mind of what you DO want. Remember that anything is possible if we just believe. It's easier to think about what we don't want so be patient and know this step will take some time.
3. Imagine it really happening. The key is that nothing is too big for you. You can have it all!
4. Make decisions that are in alignment with what you are wanting to manifest.
5. Step back and observe how your life is shifting.
Enjoy your journey!
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