Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A moment in time

Our household is anything but peaceful at this moment. Madeline, my 2 year old, is at a heightened stage of separation anxiety. Meaning Mommy can't be out of sight and if I am the screams that occur are ear piercing and not short for that matter. Hearing her choking from crying so hard is heartbreaking and unbearable to ignore. The two days I have committed to client sessions and working on the growth of my practice look something like this; tip toeing by her after my sitter arrives before those little eyes notice, racing up the stairs in speed mode to try to accomplish hours worth of work in a short period of time. A double edge sword and not the state in which I like to live. I remember this tug of war all to vividly. Motherhood, professionalism and individuality. Almost two years ago I left behind a career in organizational development for just that reason. I couldn't ignore that aching feeling that consumed me Monday-Friday. A compromise is what I envisioned and created by starting my practice. What I know for sure, is that for me, this situation outweighs working out of the home 50 hrs a week.
What I need to remember is to let go of my expectations and allow myself to become more comfortable with flexibility. A hard concept to implement when one has created self inflicted deadlines. I want it all and know that I can have it when the time is right. Being gentle with myself and knowing that when my perspective shifts from abundance to scarcity that I need to regroup.
This situation reminds me of the advice my Mom has always given me since I entered Motherhood and that is, "this too shall pass." Every challenging phase our children enter can feel overwhelming at times allowing us to get caught up in the chaos and forgetting it's just a moment in time.
For now I will start my day by welcoming what is and taking those much needed deep breaths when I forget about my dear friend, flexibility.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What are you manifesting?

Our mind is a powerful tool and we are the masters behind our every thought. It sounds like a simplistic concept but we really do choose what we think about. We are the only ones that have the ability to change our thought process. In order to manifest what we want, a shift needs to occur that takes us away from being consumed with what we DON'T want. Have you ever been in a phase of life where your thoughts may not have been life affirming? You may have gotten into a funk and started seeing things in a negative capacity. Maybe negative thoughts have always consumed you. It can become a vicious cycle and one that can be difficult to move away from without the tools to get you there. The Law of Attraction is a fascinating concept and has been studied for years. A resource that I recommend to my clients is, Law of Attraction by Michael Losier. This book provides some methodology but has been the only one I have read thus far that includes the practicality realm of implementing the concept into your life.
Are you ready to manifest what you truly desire? Then take a few moment to read my suggestions below. There is no time like the present!

5 ways to manifest what you want:
1. Change your perspective
2. Create a vision in your mind of what you DO want. Remember that anything is possible if we just believe. It's easier to think about what we don't want so be patient and know this step will take some time.
3. Imagine it really happening. The key is that nothing is too big for you. You can have it all!
4. Make decisions that are in alignment with what you are wanting to manifest.
5. Step back and observe how your life is shifting.

Enjoy your journey!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making self-care a priority

Let's face it Motherhood is a juggling act!
In comes summer break and the desire to pack it all in and make it the best time your family has experienced. The end result, some BUSY fun filled days! Mom's are constantly giving which is absolutely necessary but can be depleting if they aren't filling their "cups" first. In order to be at your absolute best, making yourself a priority is essential. When we are nurturing ourselves, we are more able to give, creating a balance that feels just right. I know when I take time to refuel I am more patient and understanding with my children and feel an overall sense of balance. Consider the tips below and know that there will be times when getting out of the house isn't realistic. Make it happen in your home, after all flexibility provides endless possibilities!

Four tips to make self-care a priority:
1. Put yourself on your priority list
2. Create a plan of what self-care looks like, i.e., description, times per wk/mo, actual rituals that are rejuvenating, etc.
3. Request the time "off" and get help from your spouse, babysitter, mother, etc.
4. Now actually do it!
5. Notice the impact. You will be amazed. I know I was!

Here's to YOU and filling your cup first!

"Self-care is about nurturing yourself on all levels- physically, mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually-so you can live, love and parent optimally."
Renee Trudeau

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The gift of the present moment

We live in an amazing time where technology has changed our world significantly. This also means that we have the ability to become overly accessible and distracted. The 24/7 mentality can become difficult to manage for many of us. It has the potential to take us away from being present with ourselves and those we love. Our relationships may suffer because we have lost sight of what's most important, connecting on a deeper level. Have you ever picked up your phone and began reading e-mail while in a conversation with someone? I think most of us have without thinking about the unintentional message we are sending.

Sometimes I get lost in the fast paced world and have to remind myself that being present is a continuous process. What I've learned is that when I become more conscious I am better able to sense when I'm falling short. My children have also guided me with unspoken words to see the beauty and life in everything. I continue to look to them for guidance when I find that I am losing my way. Their laughter, smiles, sincere expressions, and unconditional love are constant reminders that life is precious and only I can make the decision to savor every minute of it.

I wanted to share this photo of my daughter because it reflects a time when we were fully engaged and in the moment. It's the little reminders my children provide that allow me to be the mother I long to become and the inspiration for them as they grow into their own.

"The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans,
The present is our only reality."
Robert Pirsig