Sunday, November 28, 2010

Expanding beyond our comfort zone

I am coming toward the completion of the Wellness Inventory certification course (An amazing awareness assessment I am offering starting February, 2011). The amount of personal growth that I experienced has been amazing and with that came an interesting assignment. We were asked to write our eulogy. More specifically, what would I like people to know about me when I'm gone and how would I like to be remembered? Death is something that creates a ton of fear within me and even more so since having children. Needless to say, this assignment has brought about a lot of emotions and a sense of total avoidance. Therefore, a place in my life that needs attention. I very well could have avoided this assignment but am choosing not to in order to let go of the fear behind it and open myself up to new experiences.

I truly believe that the universe provides opportunities for growth and it's with no coincidence that this assignment came to fruition. We have the choice to continue to make "safe" decisions or to move away from the status quo and into a new way of living. Making our comfort zone our permanent residence allows us to live small, a place that little growth and learning is experienced. Knowing there are moments in our lives when this is a place that we need to be but committing to branch out when the time is right. Whatever it may be for you, it's time to believe in yourself and move out of fear and into growth.
By taking small steps toward your goals the level of success increases greatly. Think about the last time you wanted to make a change in your life. Did you implement small steps or did you dive right in with unrealistic expectations of yourself leading to avoidance? Setting ourselves up for failure can be our coping mechanism to avoid change but can also be a habit that can be altered with just noticing and then making the shift to avoid unproductive patterns.

What small step will you take to move away from your comfort zone and into a place that brings you great joy and a life with purpose? You speaking up at your department meeting, communicating how your feeling instead of avoiding confrontation, making that appointment with your child's teacher to discuss your concerns, interviewing for the job that pays less but brings passion in your life, etc.
In the spirit of the New Year I encourage you to include this small steps approach when making resolutions and you will be amazed at the outcome!

"May I have the courage today to live the life that I would love, to postpone my dream no longer but do at last what I came here for and waste my heart on fear no more."

(A Morning Offering, John O'Donohue)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Telephonic Personal Renewal Group for Moms

Do you want to reconnect with who you are?
Are you interested in new ideas for self-renewal and life balance?

Would you like to enhance your emotional well being and learn to be more present?

Then join my new telephonic Personal Renewal Group (PRG) based on the award winning book, "Mother's Guide to Self Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate, and Re-Balance your Life," By Renee Trudeau.

A PRG is a structured life coaching program for women at all stages.
Topics will include:
~Reconnecting with who you are
~Strategies and insights for balanced living
~Managing our energy, saying No, and asking for help
~The Transformative power of Self-Care

Date: Beginning 1/13/2011
Time:8-9:30 PM EST
2nd Thursday of each month, for 6 months
Cost: $240 for six-month program (includes 6 evening calls, email support between meetings a copy of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal.

To register or if you have any questions email:
For more info about the national program go to:

RSVP ASAP as spots are running out!
Feel free to forward to other Mom's in your life that could benefit.

**If you live in the Northern Virginia area and would like to do an in person 6 month program with a group of friends I am able to create these as well. Please inquire to the above e-mail address. **
