Where does flexibility show up in your life? Can you see beyond the black and white mentality? Do you live your life by the all or nothing mantra?
In order to implement flexibility into our daily lives we have to become more aware of how it will benefit us and what it will look like when we are actually living with it. In doing so, a shift needs to happen. A sense of awareness needs to be created that reminds us when an experience emerges that we have a choice in how we react. Noticing that and taking a step back while responding in a way that will give us the outcome we are trying to achieve. Letting go of the "it has to be my way" approach and developing a structure around how you will implement this change of being, i.e. take a deep breath before responding when my child isn't listening.
When flexibility becomes familiar the tug of war lessens, patience is no longer a stranger in our lives and we begin to let go of hidden agendas and tunnel vision. The self-inflicted pressure of having things a certain way or for a situation to unfold based on an expectation we are holding only leaves us disappointed, exhausted, and in some cases behaving in a way that is self-defeating.
Recently, Dan and I took the kids to Georgetown so I could do some shopping before we went to dinner....... Well, I had an idea of what that would look like (YES, I created an expectation and was holding on to that vision with both hands, sigh..) and the fact of the matter is what happened is far from what I envisioned. Mac and Sephora are like a candy shop for my 2 year old, Madeline. By the time we left she had lipstick on her lips and face and smothered over the arms of her new off white ruffle shirt.
While this was occuring, I could feel my chest tightening and a sense of anxiety taking over while on hyper speed running through the stores trying to force the outcome of what I wanted to be my reality. I chose to ignore my triggers, i.e. tightening of my chest in hopes that the situation would change. Well, it didn't. I could no longer ignore what was happening and made the choice to go to dinner instead of fighting against my circumstances. Once I made that decision the tension disepated and I was able to enjoy the moment as it was meant to be. Ahhhhhh, relief!
I enourage you to allow flexibility into your life and see what happens.
As always be kind to yourself and focus on the process and not perfection.
Please share your experience with all of us!
"You can only lose something that you have, you cannot lose something that you are."
~Eckhart Tolle